If you have any questions or want to get in touch, we would love to hear from you!
CurrentLY Seeking:
Our books are never formally ‘closed’ for any casting brackets, however our current recruitment priorities are outlined here with details of how to apply in the ‘representation enquiries section below:
- Under-represented groups – particularly visible disabilities and people with East Asian or Arab heritage.
- Strong singer / dancers across all backgrounds (comfortable in a first round dance call).
- Male identifying musical theatre performers.
GENERAL ENQUIRIES: If you have a general query about any of our actors please drop us a line on; or 020 8133 5995 and we will be happy to help!
REPRESENTATION ENQUIRIES: While we welcome applications regarding representation please only use our dedicated email address. We can only consider actors with a Spotlight CV or current professional training. If you are not currently on Spotlight but believe that you are eligible please provide a detailed CV and clarification of your professional position. All applications are considered but regrettably owing to the volume of applications we may not always be able to provide a detailed response.