Ashrow Talent Management

Welcome Back!

Three of our lovely actors are heading to curve for their ‘Welcome Back!’ weekend – Hannah Benson will be previewing new work from Burnt Lemon Theatre while Danny Hendrix and Kat Engall will be showcasing new play ‘Oh For Fucks Sake’ directed by Cara Nolan…


Two celebratory nights featuring new work by local artists. Featuring work from Sheep Soup, Bamboozle, Writing East Midlands, Hal Mayer, Jude Taylor, Sidekick, Morph Productions and CYCC Dance, Pippa Cleary and Jake Brunger, Moving Together, Centre for Indian Classical Dance (CICD), Samson Hawkins, Emmerson & Ward Productions, Nupur Arts, Mr Shay, Gerrard Martin Dance, Burnt Lemon, Wayward Thread, Tina Hofman, Kesha Raithatha, this medley of performances showcases the unique and wonderful work from Curve’s Associate Artists and Resident Creatives. Performances include songs from original musicals, innovative poetry, short films, extracts from new pieces and dance pieces spanning Kathak to Hip-Hop.